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Version: 1.3.0


Installation using Helm [Kubernetes]#

To install the Jalapeño API Gateway you can use the Helm chart template in our GitHub repository.

You will require a running Kubernetes cluster before getting started and Helm needs to be installed locally.

Install JAGW#

1. Clone the repository#

git clone

2. Checkout main branch#

It is important to switch to the main branch if you whish to use a stable release, since the default branch dev is used for development and contains untested images. The head of the main branch always contains the latest stable version.

git checkout main

3. [optional] Checkout a specific version tag#

If you whish to use a specific version of JAGW, you can checkout a previous tag like this.

git checkout tags/<version>

4. Update values#

Update the values in jagw/values.yaml according to your needs.

5. Create a namespace#

Create a new namespace for the JAGW (i.e. jagw).

kubectl create namespace <namespace>

6. Install the Helm chart#

helm install <release-name> jagw --namespace <namespace>

Upgrade JAGW#

To upgrade JAGW to the newest stable version, pull the updates from the main branch, reconfigure your parameters in the file jagw/values.yaml and then run:

helm upgrade <release-name> jagw --namespace <namespace>

Delete JAGW#

To delete JAGW run these commands:

helm uninstall <release-name> --namespace <namespace>helm delete namespace <namespace>